European Winter Finance Summit
Program Committee Chair: Christian Laux, WU Vienna & VGSF Program Committee Co-Chair: Felix Fattinger, WU Vienna & VGSF Organizing Chair: Stefan Pichler, WU Vienna & VGSF
Submission deadline: October 18, 2024, at midnight EST.
Venue: Hotel Arlberghaus, Austria
The Department of Banking and Finance (DBF) at the University of Zurich (founded in 1969 as Swiss Banking Institute) has a broad expertise in its four core areas of Banking, Corporate Finance, Financial Economics and Quantitative Finance.
With about 23,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is the EU's largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences.
Website: The goal of the IQAM Research Center - a cooperation between IQAM Invest, the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna University of Economics and Business - is to advance the practical application of cutting-edge academic findings in asset and risk management strategies.
The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors.
Website: The Vienna Graduate School of Finance is a center of excellence in Finance, located in Vienna, Austria. Its main activities are academic research and PhD education. VGSF faculty members are very well connected in the international Finance community. Leading scholars are regularly invited to teach courses and present their papers in the research seminar.