Program 2023

      European Winter Finance Summit, March 19 – 22, 2023

Location: Hotel Arlberghaus, Zürs, Austria
Chair: Josef Zechner (WU Vienna), Rüdiger Weber (WU Vienna)


Sunday, March 19  
17:00 – 18:00 Welcome reception and introductory remarks
18:00 – 19:30 Session 1: ESG
Chair: Kristian Miltersen
Dynamic Carbon Emission Management
M. Bustamante (University of Maryland), F. Zucchi (Federal Reserve Board)
Discussant: Markus Parlasca (WU Vienna)
Do Carbon Prices Affect Stock Returns?
P. Bolton (Imperial College London), A. Lam (University of Amsterdam), M. Muuls (Imperial College London)
Discussant: Grigory Vilkov (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Monday, March 20  
08:00 – 08:45 Session 2: Mutual Funds
Chair: Alexander Mürmann
Mutual Funds’ Fire Sales and the Real Economy: Evidence from Hurricanes
R. Tubaldi (BI Norwegian Business School)
Discussant: Rüdiger Weber (WU Vienna)
17:00 – 19:15 Session 3: Corporate Finance
Chair: Kjell Nyborg
Mavericks, Universal, and Common Owners – The Largest Shareholders of U.S. Public Firms
A. Amel-Zadeh (University of Oxford), F. Kasperk (University of Oxford), M. Schmalz (University of Oxford)
Discussant: Patrick Bolton (Imperial College London)
Why Small Firms Fail to Adopt Profitable Opportunities
P. Gertler (UC Berkeley), S. Higgins (Northwestern University), U. Malmendier (UC Berkeley), W. Ojeda (Baruch College)
Discussant: Kai Li (UBC Sauder School of Business)
Financing Cycles
J. Hajda (HEC Montreal), T. Geelen (Copenhagen Business School), E. Morellec (EPFL), A. Winegar (BI Norwegian Business School)
Discussant: Thomas Dangl (Vienna University of Technology)
Tuesday, March 21  
08:00 – 08:45 Session 4: Financial Intermediation
Chair: Stefan Pichler
Borrowing from a Bigtech Platform
J. Li (Columbia Business School), S. Pegoraro (University of Notre Dame)
Discussant: Ye Li (University of Washington)
17:00 – 19:15 Session 5: Banking and household finance
Chair: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
Household Leverage and Labor Market Outcomes Evidence from a Macroprudential Mortgage Restriction
G. Kabas (Tilburg University), K. Roszbach (Norges Bank)
Discussant: Ramin Baghai (Stockholm School of Economics)
Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks
B. Eichengreen (University of California), O. Saka (University of London)
Discussant: Matteo Crosignani (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Bank Funding Risk, Reference Rates, and Credit Supply
H. Cooperman (Stanford), D. Duffie (Stanford), S. Luck (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Z. Wang (Stanford), Y. Yang (Stanford)
Discussant: Rainer Haselmann (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Wednesday, March 22  
08:00 – 09:30 Session 6: Asset pricing
Chair: Josef Zechner
International Capital Markets and Wealth Transfers
M. Dahlquist (Stockholm School of Economics), A. Pavlova (London Business School), C. Heyerdahl-Larsen (Kelley School of Business) J. Penasse (University of Luxembourg)
Discussant: Andrea Vedolin (Boston University)
The Term Structure of Cash Flow Risk
D. Pettenuzzo (Brandeis University), R. Sabbatucci (Stockholm School of Economics)
Discussant: Philippe Mueller (Warwick Business School)
09:40 – 10:00 IQAM Research Center Best Discussant Prize