Location: Hotel Arlberghaus, Zürs, Austria
Program Committee Chairs: Christian Laux (WU Vienna & VGSF) and Felix Fattinger (WU Vienna & VGSF)
Organizing Chair: Stefan Pichler (WU Vienna & VGSF)
S U N D A Y, March 16 | |
17:00 - 18:00 | Welcome reception and introductory remarks |
18:00 - 19:30 | Session 1: International Finance Chair: Josef Zechner (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Can Time-Varying Currency Risk Hedging Explain Exchange Rates? Leonie Bräuer (University of Geneva), Harald Hau (University of Geneva) Discussant: Irina Zviadadze (HEC Paris) Subjective Risk Premia in Bond and FX Markets Daniel Pesch (University of Oxford), Ilaria Piatti (Queen Mary University of London), Paul Whelan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Discussant: Rossen Valkanov (UC San Diego, Rady School of Management) |
M O N D A Y, March 17 | |
08:00 - 08:45 | Session 2: Anomalies in Asset Pricing Chair: Giorgia Simion (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Predicting Anomalies Boone Bowles (Texas A&M University), Adam Reed (University of North Carolina), Matthew Ringgenberg (University of Utah) , Jake Thornock (Brigham Young University) Discussant: Andreas Neuhierl (Washington University St. Louis, Olin Business School) |
17:00 - 19:30 | Session 3: Corporate Governance, Ownership and Competition Chair: Alexander Mürmann (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Beyond Peers: Cross-Industry Competition and Strategic Financing Boris Nikolov (University of Lausanne) , Norman Schürhoff (University of Lausanne), Zepeng Wang (University of Lausanne) Discussant: Julien Sauvagnat (Bocconi University) Directing the Labor Market: The Impact of Shared Board Members on Employee Flows Taylor A. Begley (University of Kentucky), Peter Haslag (Vanderbilt University), Daniel Weagley (University of Tennessee) Discussant: Oliver Rehbein (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Break Fake Entry Martin Schmalz (University of Oxford) , Jin Xie (Peking University, HSBC Business School) Discussant: Kornelia Fabisik (University of Bern) |
T U E S D A Y, March 18 | |
08:00 - 08:45 | Session 4: Decentralized Finance Chair: Stefan Bogner (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Market Power and the Bitcoin Protocol Alfred Lehar (University of Calgary) , Christine Parlour (UC Berkeley) Discussant: Stefan Voigt (University of Copenhagen) |
17:00 - 19:30 | Session 5: Risk, Liquidity and Corporate Financing Chair: Kjell Nyborg (University of Zurich) Corporate Policies and the Term Structure of Risk Matthijs Breugem (University of Turin), Roberto Marfè (University of Turin), Francesca Zucchi (European Central Bank) Discussant: Thomas Geelen (Pennsylvania State University) Dynamic Debt Policy with and without Commitment Kristian Miltersen (Copenhagen Business School) , Jens Dick-Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School), Walter N. Torous (MIT) Discussant: Thomas Dangl (Vienna University of Technology) Break The Role of Liquidity Constraints and Verifaction Costs in the Acquisition of Private Firms Brian Cadman (University of Utah), Mark Jansen (University of Utah), Thomas Noe (University of Oxford) Discussant: Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (University of Mannheim) |
W E D N E S D A Y, March 19 | |
08:00 - 09:30 | Session 6: Inflation and Stock Markets Chair: Christian Laux (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Inflation and Trading Philip Schnorpfeil (Goethe University Frankfurt) , Michael Weber (University of Chicago), Andreas Hackethal (Goethe University Frankfurt) Discussant: Felix Fattinger (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Stagflationary Stock Returns Ben Knox (Federal Reserve Board) and Yannick Timmer (Federal Reserve Board) Discussant: Ricardo De la O (University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business) |
09:40 - 10:00 | IQAM Research Center Best Discussant Prize |